First post in 5 years! I recently went to a trick-taking convention, and it got my brain swimming with potential ideas for making my own trick-taking game. I prefer shedding games, but for now, this design really feels better suited for trick-taking.
Tricky Stocks
Starting this off as a "may follow" game where the player who wins the trick will take the winning card as one stock of that color. The player with the weakest played card will choose any remaining card in the played trick to put into the "operations" splay. All other players can "upgrade" one card in their hand, spinning it 180degrees and adding 10 to its value.
The strength of the suits is dictated by the operation track, start with shuffled single cards of each suit and splay them. The current idea is to only use the operations splay to break value ties, so a 7 will always beat a 6.
The current idea is that players start a round with X cards and put one face down in front of them. Then reveal this, and it's each player's initial stock for the round. Once all cards have been played, each player scores for their stocks, with each one being worth points equal to the number of that color in the operations splay.
I'm toying with the idea of having variable values for stocks and operations depending on the upgrade as well as the overall value of the card, but for now, I'm keeping them symmetric.
After scoring, shuffle everything up and do it again, most points after a X turns wins the game?
Seems pretty simple at the moment, but it's a neat place to start, and I'm hoping to test it with someone soon. Currently, it feels like a 3p minimum game due to the "first gets stocks, last runs operations, middle upgrades" structure.
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