Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Reliquary brain dump

This is just a small list of things running through my head for later integration:
  • Game end condition is going to be killing one big bad guy in the center of the map. It will have X number of lieutenants to kill first, X equaling the number of players in the game. Player who kills it first wins.
  • I want to have a monster deck for each level of the player board, so that they get harder as a player ventures further. I also want a "modifier" deck that will be drawn with each monster that will adjust its abilities slightly to keep them from getting totally predictable.
  • The detrimental part of the dungeon cards will have a couple XP costs to play. They will be quite expensive when played on characters in the newb areas of the board, and get much cheaper to play against a player who is almost near the end.

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