Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Small Mutation update

Mutation has now been played almost 10 times among the Berkeley gaming group and there has been a suprisingly small amount of changes that have come from these playthroughs.

1. You may re-roll a double if you don't want to take the removal action and do not like the number of the double rolled.
2. You may not removed a die that has been "blocked in" on all four sides.
3. 2 player is simply not fun and waaaay too dependant on die rolls. I am officially stating that it is not an option any more.

At this point I believe the game is well into a refinement phase and I do not expect to make any huge aditions to it's gameplay. i will continue to try and get it out there and played...and at some arbitrary point I will decide that it is finished :P

Oh and Mutation is official now!

now for the next game...

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