Sunday, December 5, 2010

New Concept idea log

Had a brain flash this morning, just have to write down some ideas for a new game concept.

1. Square cards with a range of 4 to 8 colored lines coming from the center and going to the corners or middles of the sides
2. Players have a hand of these cards, they play one per turn down onto the board so that a line coming out of a previous card on the board matches the color of the orientation where you place your card. You then put a marker on top of your card to show that it is "yours"
3. Players start with some small number of super cards in front of them that they can choose to use instead of playing from their hand at any point in the game.
4. Regular cards might have smaller powers on them that get activated when they are played.
5. Game end is when the draw stack is depleted (maybe), and the player with the most connected markers wins.

This is super rough, but i'm running to work and don't want any of these bits to fall out of my head!

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