Sunday, April 24, 2011

Bitchin Hub Idea

NOTE: I haven't playtested ANY of this yet. But i've been crunching the "Hubs" idea for over a day and already I had some issues with it:

- Why wouldn't players just wait until the last second to build all three hubs? I.e. leave the third slot open but fully protected so that they can just replicate in at the end and grab all three. What incentivizes them into building them earlier?

- The skill block off was a good idea for this, but didn't make sense due to the last tier always bieng unavailable since the game ends when the third hub goes down.

Now i'll admit that i've been looking for a way to get neutral dice into the mix for a couple weeks. It hit me this morning, you have to actually BUILD the hubs. It takes a while, it takes a good chunk of energy over a few turns, and it is neutral until it is completed. So the idea is you start building a Hub and it is a 1 pip white die in the center. So as it is built it is essentially up for grabs, and someone can swoop in and possibly knock you out of position and take over where you left off.

The details of all this are still knocking around my head, I probably won't know exactly what set i'll use probably until I sit down at the first play test. But I like this idea a lot. Thinking about going with 2 hubs for end game in this case due to the game possibly dragging. Regardless, I am pretty sure this is how the next playtest will be tried!

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