Monday, December 2, 2013

Mutation Musings

This game is cool, it's just too simple. Thoughts:

  • Have a pool where you can put dice to show your "mutation points".  Spend mutation points to level up your organism as a whole. You can't have two dice with the same value in the mutation point pool.
  • Three overall levels for the organism.  The game always has the same 3 level up bonuses and then 3 random ones that are associated with each.  The 3 main ones are:
    • Level 1 - No stacking (starting point)
    • Level 2 - Can stack up to total height of 2
    • Level 3 - Can Stack up to total height of 3
  • "Random bonuses" are a stack of cards, three are dealt out at the start of the game randomly, they are associated with the three levels.  This means from the beginning of the game everyone will have a bonus that will likely differ from previous starting settings making each game start off feeling different.
  • Take out "doubles = removal", they simply allow a reroll
  • Possibly spend Mutation points (maybe die needs to match?) to do a standard removal action.
  • Variable game end conditon, not sure what this is yet.

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