Friday, March 5, 2010

Reliquary Brain Dump

  • Skill map no longer adds to actual modifiers like Damage or Health. Instead it will increase attributes, currently going with the super original "Defense", "Strength", and "Wisdom". Then have a progression track on those three skills, putting modifiers like damage and health on them at various levels. This allows me to cap progression so someone doesn't run away with a crazy amount of HP or damage, plus should make balancing a tad easier.
  • Looking into ditching raw numerical experience as the skill map progression resource. Instead the various fight locations on the dungeon map will state what color relics they give when you defeat the random monster there. You will need various combinations of these relics to progress on the Skill map. This will create a reason to traverse most of the dungeon map instead of camping on location for experience. Plus this might later open up module based dungeons with somewhat random distribution of relic color locations.
  • Thinking about changing the old exp generation into a new "Focus" resource. This will be purely for card play and various monsters will give various amounts of it as a reward for killing them.

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